Animal Spirits - Clocker The Walrus
Clocker was our first Walrus spirit. He is very vocal and easily affectionate. Walruses - or walri, as I say, are of the pinniped marine mammal family. Like all mammals, they have body hair, but walri are noted for having flippers that are very foot-like, tusks, and of course their size and great strength. Full-grown male walri, such as Clocker, are about 9 to 12 feet tall. Their weight generally amasses about 1,700-3,800 lbs. Clocker is about 8 feet tall; he does not require as much mass in the physical etheric as he would in the physical dense plane.
Walri are very gentle when they are happy and feel safe and comfortable. They can exhibit some anxiety, like many of the larger animals of sophisticated evolution, but often the stress reactions can be localized to specific annoyances, and once the source of annoyance is removed, the walri return to their placid, easy-going state.
Clocker is one of the first critter spirits of Lothlorien to have mated and to have produced offspring. Clocker and Mrs. Clocker are the only breed of critters to have produced more than one set of offspring.
Other critters mated and reproduced in Lothlorien are bears, leopards, geese, and jaguars. We do not know - at this time - what factors are required for reproduction, which species have the necessary devic evidentiary patterns required to complete the "creative circuit", or frankly, anything else about who mates, who doesn't, why some have offspring and some don't.
We suspect that among the "ingredients" required for this creative cycle of reproduction begins with a harmonic understanding of the nature of Matter, the nature of Spirit, and the self-compelling nature of Love as an activating force. It is a VERY new concept on this planet that Souls can be "born" in the physical-etheric third dimension.
Having said that, let's get on with what Clocker himself wishes to say.
Clocker, it is understood, is a very large being, by our standards. Given that, it stands to reason that to retain the form of the walrus, he must possess and be able to harness and retain a great mass and density of energy.
Energy is the very essence, the lifeblood, if you will, of Existence as a whole. To exist, one must retain Matter. To dominate Matter, one must have Will. To Be within Matter requires Purpose. To execute Purpose and to have it manifest within the Divine Plan, one must have Love - and the ability to retain, to distribute, and to align Energy where it will be best be served for all.
Clocker, then, like all walri, helps regulate energy distribution and allocation.
What humans have difficulty with, Clocker observes, is their inability to remember to allocate energy to themselves. The Wizards with the best intentions can't help themselves when they forget to apportion energy to their own sustenance. Thus, Wizards are noted for being scrawny and neurotic, and reveal a deficit in healthy materialism and lack of desire to take up space even to feed themselves.
What is tragic - to Clocker - is the seeming paradox that certain people with the best intentions can't do anything to create Harmony for themselves, whereas people with either the worst intentions (or worse, no intentions at all) can create anything, anytime - and not even be aware of what they've created.
It is a mass/density/alignment problem... the same sort of thing that bothers economists, philanthropists, and others who "would do good", who wonder about the resource economy on this planet regarding supply and demand; the fact that the Earth itself could feed everybody on it if everything on the planet wasn't "owned" by a small percentage, and the absolute, mind-boggling implications of trying to redistribute anything - including endangered animals - that seems inevitably to run into multi-dollar, multi-human, multi-resistance issues from people who say something can't be done, simply because it never has been.
Walri, by the way, are not considered an endangered species, but they do understand there is a problem.
There is a conflict, then, of resource versus power, intent versus Plan. The essence of materialism, creative energy, is being misappropriated, by people who have the least understanding of what they are doing. It's all the more annoying because the people misappropriating energy think they have good intentions. As Jeff Goldblum, portraying a character in "The Big Chill" says, referring to rationalizations, "What's best for me is what's best."
From Clocker's point of view, considering that most people don't even know who "me" is, as in, have no sense of universal or even individual identity, it is an absolute ridiculousness that such people would have any pretension to authority on what's best - for themselves or anybody else.
It's an authority issue, Clocker thinks, yet he thinks the issue is less about authority than it is about people who give their self-authority away.
One of Clocker's favorite artists is John Lennon, who authored and sang "I Am the Walrus." On the surface, it would seem that Clocker simply admires a song that seems to be about him or his kind... sort of like when we get excited by seeing a dog on television, we think our dog should get excited, too.
But it's not that way at all. Clocker is not limited, as humans sometimes are, in trying to look among material elements and find what seems to pertain to them. The song is one that Clocker has heard infinite number of times, and every time he hears it, there is something new to be heard.
Clocker hears layers, textures, and colors. English being a new language to him, he doesn't "understand half the words." There is no shame or irony in this; Lennon himself would probably have said the same thing. The song is not about the lyrics, Clocker says; it is about the intent, and the composition itself.
Lennon, in the song about the walrus, Clocker says, was one of the pioneers of applying poetry to music. A lot of people were doing this in the Sixties, it is true. Much of it was good, valid, or otherwise worthy of some exploration and respect.
"I Am the Walrus", says Clocker, was so effective, it did not merely change the way people thought - which was true of a lot of the Beatles' work and many others - but it changed a pattern of the manifestation of Art, itself.
It was among the first of the popular seventh-ray songs, that ray of energy which concerns not just the structural mechanics of art and magic, but the key-tones and frenetic, conflicting imagery - and the frenetic, ever-changing imagery of the song - combined with the mantric refrain of "I am the Walrus, goo goo ga joob" that compounded Consciousness and shattered the old order of musical artistic expression.
The song built a symphonic layer that compounded a certain creative densical effect. More importantly, this particular compound could be recreated, effectively, by someone who understands mass/density ratios combined with the Intent that magnifies Love.
For those familiar with Lennon's work and musical progression, one can see a turning point between Sergeant Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour. 'Pepper, of course, is inarguably the turning point album of the Sixties, running neck and neck with the Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" album that was overshadowed by 'Pepper.
'Pepper was a symphonic collaboration between the four Beatles and their brilliant producer, George Martin. 'Tour (and specifically "Walrus") goes a step further, for Lennon, in being an absolute break-out piece, for it was truly the first of Lennon's work which absolutely stood alone, yet was a monument of his personal achievement of growth and reflection within the Beatles group.
Lennon had mastered his work, and did not even know it. This is not tragic, nor a paradox; often, when a Wizard succeeds at a creative endeavor, he feels not that he has finished, but that he has just begun. "Walrus" was simply the "thesis" that allowed Lennon to begin his "doctoral work." The break-up of the Beatles was inevitable from that point. The group, as a "class-room unit" was no longer necessary.
The song, then, is about a crescendo of conflicting paradigms; normalcy versus bizarre, commonplace versus ridiculous, ordinary versus baroque, and staid versus rebellious.
"I Am the Walrus" sounded the birth pains of revolution. People fear revolution so much, they forget the joy of change and of creation. Revolution does not mean destruction; it means cycle, and as cycle implies, change is part of creation. Thus, a revolution, executed positively, simply means that change and growth are possible in an otherwise stagnant, non-productive environment.
Those Wizards who master energy allocation must come to terms with the fact that they themselves must change to harmonize with their creations. It is the only way both (creator and created) can survive, and flourish.
Love, Galadriel