Hugen and Munin's
Raven Source
Hugen and Munin are two ravens who have never incarnated in the third dimension, and are most commonly known as two Familiars associated with Odin, who is currently most associated with the Norse legends, but is not commonly associated with the Celtic or Druidic legends. This is because the Druid culture was virtually destroyed, and their lore of knowledge had to be rebuilt virtually from scratch, whereas the Norse survived a little longer, and were able to keep their heritage more or less intact.
Hugen and Munin, as ravens, are associated both with the Word, and all subsidiary aspects of the Word, including communication via telepathy, the physical Word (word of mouth), and the ability to consciously interact within all levels of Thought transference, including the astral, mental, etheric and physical planes. They are also associated, as all birds are, with telekinetic energy.
It is only today, as people are attempting to rediscover their spiritual roots, that they are learning that the separation of consciousness and related heritage has been enforced on them through rulers of governments and churches throughout the centuries, and a grass-roots revolution is occurring through the Will of the People to secure their legacy of true Spiritual Brotherhood, which was once recognized as belonging to all Beings on Earth.
At one time, Norse and Druid theosophism was not so clearly forked or divided as has been for the last 1500 years or so. Norse and Druids were considered parallel expressions, not touching, but harmonious. When the Roman Empire perceived their best interests as the destruction of Sirian consciousness, it seemed easiest to defeat the Druidic culture, thereby undermining the support of the Norse culture, and allowed Romans a more successful invasion of the Celt and Scandinavian regions.
This was a crippling blow to the sustained harmonics and magnetic energy alignments already established by cultures of both the Druidic and Norse peoples. With the routing and bullying of the Druids, the Druids and the Norse lost their momentum of accumulated knowledge, and were dispersed rather than united, and so lost, for a time, their effectiveness within the third dimension physical plane.
This destruction of cultures and foundations of Thought, Science, and Wisdom was destructive to the Roman Empire, as well as to the rest of the world. The Exile of Druids was equivalent to burning down the central library available to all Humanity. The guardians of that library become a lot more circumspect, from then on, as to who had access to that library, and how the information was used. Thus, a general distrust and suspicion of Druids remains to this day, as well as a certain amount of paranoia on the part of modern Druids, all of which is directly attributable to the selfish desire of Roman military bureaucrats to destroy that which they could not understand.
A primary motive of the Roman Empire to destroy these peaceful, self-sufficient cultures was to sweep away and discredit any attempt to resist the establishment of a superior and controlling church. An army was not sufficient to control the masses, for which Rome was already responsible, and getting people to pay taxes and levy tributes was becoming increasingly difficult. It seemed expedient to establish a church which would influence and sway the masses into shifting their priorities from hedonistic self-expression, and what better way to do this than to establish an icon, a tower of moral arbitration and sanctimonious rules to live up to?
The Roman hierarchy had become so bloated and top-heavy it could barely support itself, and needed independent satellites, in the form of churches, to hold it up. Rome had no true moralistic or idealistic conflict with the Norse or the Druids; indeed, the imperialists did not even take the trouble to understand either culture. What the Romans did understand was that the Norse were strong, and the Druids were smart, and it was better to destroy their cultures and reabsorb its independent survivors as "worker bees" to support the Roman Empire.
Thus, Rome effectively established the first church which would appear as the titular head of government. By pretending that "holy men" were responsible for the Will of God and all its reflections into Humanity, the Romans made an invisible god the true ruler of the country, with the strings being pulled by men in togas and funny hats. The Roman imperialists pretended to serve and execute the orders of the god they introduced, and were quite effective in presenting the appearance of Divine cooperation between themselves and the white-sheet with red trim idol that they themselves had created.
In this hypocritical act, they emulated well the Greeks who they called heathens, and took the best "parlour-tricks" from the Grecian culture, but modified it to a more obedient and conservative culture which continued to pay tribute, but was less tolerant regarding personal, artistic, and cultural expression. This maximized the appearance of form, and minimized excess, yet the effect on its people was the opposite; repression simply bred the appearance of decorum, but increased debauched desires to masquerade as piousness, yet reflected in secret sexual and other social aberrations - the very thing the Romans pretended to denounce the Greeks for.
The Romans backed up their religion, and their politics, with military support, and it is this use of armed force to control societies that has truly been the greatest, most lasting, and most detrimental historic contribution of the Roman Empire.
The Druids, and the Norse, would not have cared any more for the Greeks than they did the Romans, but would have preferred the Greeks for being honestly self-indulgent, and keeping their hang-ups and predilections within their own sphere of influence, and not selling or conquering other nations and cultures to adopt their own customs or beliefs.
Druids at that time, well established in history, were a strong culture devoted to studies of the Earth, and were known as the mystics, or even Priests, who devoted their lives and attention to the advancement of Humanity, and were known to seek harmony with the other plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.
They were not an imperialist group, and had no need of conversion or indoctrination to their culture. They were self-sufficient, and did not depend on a need to conquer the environment or their Fellow Man, and preferred to live compatibly with the World, to the best advantage of all concerned.
Druids had no need of a temple; the World was their temple, and Druids had no confusion regarding moral precept, or societal projection. It was known and understood that every human answered to his own Higher Service, and it was trusted that humans were capable of knowing the difference.
It was after the establishment of the Roman Church that took the power of discernment away from the people, and gave that power to the little men in cloaks. These men were ordained and accepted as long as they posed no threat to brook the policies of the military government, but were fed as spiritual pabulum to the masses, and were disguised as Angels of Peace to keep people from looking to their Higher Selves, and also to keep them from asking too many questions.
Hugen and Munin would say, if they could, to look for the Word, and to look for it within yourself. No church, no organization, no community, knows more about your real purpose on this planet than you yourself do, and that if you are aligned with your own Creator Consciousness, you will know the difference, and will know what to do in time of adversity, challenge, or pinnacle of expression.
Love, Galadriel