![The Barbarian (image copyright Paris Soulier 1997)](barbtest.gif)
Image Copywrite Paris
Soulier 1997.
Intelligence Tests:
IQ Test - Four different online IQ tests available at this
site. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
MENSA Workout - A "just-for-fun" IQ test; not a
MENSA qualifying test. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
- A site containing IQ tests, as well as analogy tests, trivia,
contests, and games. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
- Home of the original online IQ test. Very valid. (LINK TESTED
Difficult IQ Tests - Not for the faint-of-heart...or mind.
(LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
Personality Tests:
Meyers-Briggs Type Tests:
Five-Factor (OCEAN) Tests:
Other Personality Tests:
Test - Select 8 colors in descending order (most favorite to
least favorite), wait 2 minutes, then do it again. Your personality
diagnosis will be shown after you complete the test. Fun but not
overly valid. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
Personality Test - (Formerly Feiger-Vos Personality Test)
Results returned by email rather than scored via computer. (LINK
TESTED 3/23/10)
Motifs Lite Test - Based on the True Colors test (see below)
used in many academic and corporate training environments; this
gives a good quick profile of your "color" quadrant and a
basic personality type. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Colors Test - Online True Colors test (you will need to
register for free with your email address to take the test). The
full assessment costs $34.50, but the free sample one is pretty good
for an overall profile. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Code Personality Test - Are you a RED, BLUE, WHITE, or
YELLOW? Find out now. Link leads to free test; a pay version is also
available. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
TICE Assessment - A 15-question assessment that categorizes
you into one of four quadrants: Thinker, Introvert, Creator,
Extrovert. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
of Rules Assessment (MOR) - The Mapping of Rules (MOR)
Assessment is a unique instrument measuring to what degree we adhere
to unspoken, subconscious "rules" followed by our
families. Take it and see to what degree your family's unspoken
rules influenced your, or still influences you, to this day.
Requires that you be painfully honest. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Apperception Test (TAT) - You are shown a picture, then
asked to write an essay about what is going on in the picture (10
minute time limit). Based on the Murray's Thematic Apperception
Test. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Disorder Test - Rather a rapid test to determine if you have
any symptoms of personality disorders; and if so, which ones they
are. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Test - How is your self esteem? Find out here. (LINK TESTED
Anxiety/Phobia Test - Determine if you may have symptoms of
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Self Regulation Test - Determine how much in control of your
destiny you really are. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Other Online Tests:
Test - Find out what your vocation would most likely have
been in medieval times. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10)
Implicit Association Tests (IAT) - A set of tests
demonstrating the conscious-unconscious divergences between what we
think and what we actually do, especially when it comes to racial,
gender, and other types of personal profiling. (LINK TESTED
You a Freak? - This is, actually, a very interesting test to
take. It seeks to measure to what extent you have the need to
be unique, non-conformist, or exhibit nonconventional behaviors. The
higher you score, the bigger "freak" you are, although I
think "non-conformist" would have been a better term.
(LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
You in Freefall? - Five-question test to determine if you
are a free spirit or an "earthbound" sort. (LINK TESTED
100 Question Love Test - A 100-question assessment on
romance and love, geared toward assessing your feelings towards your
beloved. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Quotient Test - Five questions to determine how good you are
at spotting optical illusions. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Inferno Test - Really fun test to determine, if you were to
die and go to "the other place," which of the nine levels
would you most likely end up on? (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Seven Deadly Sins Test - Along the same lines -- find out
which deadly sins are you most likely to commit. (LINK TESTED
Type of Driver Are You? - A good test to determine if you
may have road rage. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Orientation Test - Help to find the career that best suits
you. Requires creating an online profile before beginning; 72
questions. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).
Maykorner Test - Yes, there are still Maykorner-like
personality tests out on the web. (LINK TESTED 3/23/10).