The Great Lie "One
Ring to Rule them All, The Great Earth Experiment was designed to be an experimentation in Free Will, something that had never been taken on before by any conscious race in the Universe. The beings who were chosen from each of the root races were those who had evidenced some form of interest in working with this new concept. Far from being the "dross" or the "misfits" of their societies (as some would have us believe), we were, and are, the brightest and the best that our lot had to offer. Earth was considered to be like a "gifted and talented" program in which honor students from several schools get to work on a mutual project. Those of us who were approved to come to Earth did so with the full intention of learning how to co-create reality under the concept of free will. The major goal of the experiment was to determine what types of creations could be manifested under a state of perfect "free will" within the Divine Plan. The experiment was set up by entities resident on the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional levels. These entities comprise that which we know of as the "Hierarchy." Having no idea of what the concept of "free will" actually was, the Hierarchy took a "shot in the dark" as to the checks, balances, and limitations placed upon the experimental condition. The ultimate problem came in the definition of Free Will. Free Will meant Free Choice of creation under the Divine Plan. Prior to this concept, no one had unlimited choice of what they could create with Spirit. You had your purpose, and you could create whatever was allowed under your purpose. Free Will was intended to be where one could choose one's own purpose in the Creative Process. Like an art school, where you have been relegated to working in Oils, Pastels, Sculpture, Photography, etc. for a while, then get to choose your own project and medium of expression. Free Will in the Earth experiment was NOT defined this way. Here, Free Will was defined as "unlimited choice", with no offsetting checks and balances on this system. The beings who set up the experiment did not realize the deadly danger of what could possibly happen, since the concept of Free Will was virtually unknown to them. There were other entities, too, who, unbeknownst to the Hierarchy, saw this as a prime opportunity to further their own ends. These "dark ones" on the 5th dimension understood well what "limitless choice" and "limitless creation" meant, and they sent their own minions into 4th dimensional consciousness to introduce havoc into the experimental condition. Up to this time, the experiment was working well; everyone was doing what they were intended to do within the experiment. With the exception of the Vegan participants, who were still wandering around not truly doing anything constructive, the other members had anchored themselves in racial forms in the 4th dimension so that they could better safeguard and embody their creations. The Vegans, for all practical purposes, were "playing" instead of "working" and had already been reprimanded for this twice by their coordinators in the 5th dimension. The Vegans' excuse was that it was a state of "Free Will" and that they didn't have to anchor themselves or produce anything if they didn't want to do so. The coordinators, ignorant of what "free will" actually meant, allowed them to continue unchecked. The "Dark" 5th dimensionals, seeing their opportunity, began to pour pure Cosmic Negativity into the experiment. Had every race been grounded and functioning in the experiment, nothing could have happened, as Negativity in and of itself is inert. The idle Vegans, however, were the prime targets for this imbalance, and they began to ground and station it into 4th dimensional reality. At the time this occurred, three great meta-races had developed on the 4th-dimensional Earth; three great continents of civilization. One of these, named Lemuria (also called "MU" after the fall), housed the Andromedan, Spican and some of the Arcturan races. Another, named Hyperboria, contained the remainder of the Arcturan race and part of the Vegan race. The last civilization, known as Atlantis, contained four races: Binarean, Pleiadean, the remainder of the Vegans, and a tiny contingent of Sirians (the least represented of the races, there only as an outpost to guard the doorway of the Creative Force.) The Vegans on Atlantis were the ones who began channeling the Cosmic Evil. Because they were the largest population segment on Atlantis (approximately 60%), they had a greater influence on its activities. Their Binarean, Pleiadean, and Sirian counterparts had no idea what was happening until the first abominations of creation began. The renegade Vegans started creating monsters that had never before been seen within the universe; beings that were created outside of the Divine Plan. Many of the so-called "mythological" beings of the Greek Myths, including gryphons, hippogriffs, chimaerae, hydras, minotaurs, sphinxes, and the like, were created by grafting and splicing prior creations together in configurations intended for the Earth. Understand that not all the Vegans were doing this; just that the race was the first to begin creating these abominations. The Binareans followed suit soon after, aided by either renegade or unwitting Pleiadeans, Arcturans, and Sirians. The Spicans and Andromedans were the last, and least, to be infiltrated with this darkness; but even some of their factions eventually succumbed to the temptations of unlimited creation outside of the Divine Plan. Those members of the races who had not stationed the Cosmic Evil were alarmed. Having never encountered this sort of evil before, they, like frightened children in a class of bullies when the teacher has stepped away, cowered and began to cry for help. The closest star system to the Earth experiment was Sirius, a mere 9 light-years away (practically next door in 4th-dimensional terms). This, coupled with the fact that the Earth was on "loan" from the Sirius system to be used for the experiment, is why Sirius answered the distress calls, with approval from the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy also approved for officials from the various star systems to be sent to Sirius to go with the rescue party. Understand that Sirius was acting fully in accordance with the Plan at that time, and even at that time, no one, not even the Hierarchy, fully understood what was happening on the Earth, or even under their own noses. Renegades from the various races were being sent by the "dark ones" to infiltrate the rescue mission. Others, who were "on the lam" from their home worlds because of their actions or lack of actions regarding the problems with the Earth experiment, had gone to other worlds such as Sirius and were working their own agendas into the script. To complicate matters, the Oriones, including the Binareans, were involved in a massive 4th-dimensional civil war, which was drawing their attention away from the Earth experiment to more domestic concerns. The Binareans were not keeping close tabs on the renegade Binarean rebels, and many of them escaped from Binara to Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, and even Earth, where they were hailed with alacrity by the Earth renegades. The rescue mission, containing mainly Sirian and wizard souls, along with some legitimate representatives from the various systems, and, unbenownst to anyone else, quite a few renegades in disguise, set off toward Earth. The renegades diverted the path of the transport into an area just outside the Earth's atmosphere where the renegades were patrolling the "borders." A major battle between the legitimate parties and the renegades ensued, which was a battle of illusions. All of the problems on Earth at the time were manifesting because of illusion; projection of falsehoods; of creation outside of the Divine Plan, which is the greatest illusion of all, since nothing created outside of the Plan can truly exist. To avoid further devastating confrontations occurring in "outer space", the Sirian wizards made a crucial decision, for better or worse. Up to then, it had been assumed that the Sirians and their delegation would NOT land on Earth, but do the necessary clean-up work from the safety of Outer Space. With the space just outside of Earth infiltrated with renegade beings, the Sirian delegation made the decision to plunge into Earth incarnation (still 4th-dimensional at that time, although the dimensional level was starting to slip). The site that met the delegation's eyes upon arrival was akin to what a substitute kindergarten teacher sees upon entering an unsupervised classroom. Creation was running amuck, and destruction on a widespread scale was beginning. Atlantis was making a bid for power in world domination (a theme which has persisted, even in 3rd-dimensional reality, for the past 20,000 years). Atlantis, Hyperborea, and Lemuria were engaged in out-and-out war, with the powerful instruments of creation being used for destruction. The Cosmic Negativity had infiltrated the World Governments, whose leaders were whipping up their constituents with propaganda about which race was greater, more dominant, more deserving of control, etc. The rescue delegates did what they could to restore a semblance of balance. The Hierarchy finally realized what was happening and began to pour in powerful ray energies to counterbalance the situation. The plan may have worked if the Cosmic Evil had not been allowed to gain such a powerful grounding point through the Vegan race. Sensing a rupture in their plans, the "dark ones" stepped up their attack. To counter the efforts of the rescue delegates and the Hierarchy, they stationed even darker energies through the renegade races, particularly the renegade Vegans, who were literally "sitting ducks" for their manipulations. The false information that was being spread became known as the "Great Lie", consisting of several parts. These parts can be summed up as:
The Great Lie has been identified in many cultures. In the Western culture, it is the Lie of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (the 4th dimension) which drove humanity away from Spirit. The "Serpent" is allegorical for the Cosmic Darkness that was channeled during the Early times. Adam and Eve are also allegorical, even through they did have their own counterparts. Eve (IEVE; of the Vegans) represented the Vegan race, who first succumbed to the lies of the "dark ones" and stationed the Cosmic Negativity (the Door Where Evil Dwells, or, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.) Adam represented those who succumbed to the lies of the dark ones after the Vegans had stationed and anchored the energy. Sadly enough, the allegorical figures were chosen along gender lines, perpetuating a "sub-lie" that females were the cause of the Lie and the fall. Gender actually has no meaning except to facilitate learning; every one of us has masculine and feminine aspects, regardless of our sex. Why, though, did the people of Earth buy into the "Lie"? The answer is simple: through the introduction of Fear. When the Cosmic Negativity was brought in, it created a rift in which abominations could be rendered. Many who saw this were utterly confused...this was, after all, NOT what the Earth Experiment was supposed to be about. Through the confusion, the dark ones were able to perpetrate the Lie and thus instill fear and doubt into the hearts and minds of humanity. Because the Experiment was not going the way humanity had been told by the Hierarchy that it would, it was only too easy to believe that they had been "duped" or betrayed by those who had set up the experiment. Fear, an unknown emotion, gripped the mass of humanity, and they began to rebel against the Divine Plan. Thus, as J.R.R. Tolkien alluded to in his work "Lord of the Rings," Fear bound humanity in the darkness of Cosmic Negativity. The power of the "One Ring" is Fear, and it is an illusory power, as all the Lies were illusory, having no substance in reality, but grotesquely shaping it through the manifestational power of Humanity.