This demise upon the wizard population was not without its toll upon society. Without wizards to maintain the knowledge base and instigate progress, the church was able to impose utter ignorance over the majority of the European population. Very few people could read or write their native language, and fear kept anyone from challenging the power of the church. Disease, famine, and war wiped out huge percentages of the populace; the Great Plague alone took out between 25-33 percent of Europe. Add to that the carnage wrought by the Crusades, the massacre of the Templar Knights by Phillipe Le Bel in 1307, and the many souls that fell to the bloody hand of the Inquisition, and one may see that the situation was very grim indeed. Even after the Protestant Reformation, Calvinist and Puritanical doctrines quickly developed and squelched any form of knowledge or creative action, branding it as witchcraft and burning at the stake those who dared to challenge those doctrines, even in the New World. It is with much gratitude that we as a race of people owe much to the efforts of the wizards who did manage to survive and continue to instigate culture, knowledge, wisdom, and creative action, albeit underground, during this bloody era of terror. It was during this time that Astrology grew and flourished as a science, geomantic systems were developed, science accepted the accurate system of a heliocentric (sun-centered) solar system, and the ancient Qaballah was studied as a model of magical science. Because of the efforts of the few who tried and succeeded, we are no longer imprisoned in an era in which those in power can imprison us in ignorance. Although this is not true in some parts of the world today, generally as a race of people, we are free to make our own conscious choices and have at least some say over how we choose to serve and create. Henry Cornelius Agrippa
Theoprastus ParacelsusThe alchemist and medieval physician Paracelsus was responsible for many of the great leaps in medicine made during the 16th century. Born in Switzerland in 1493, he quickly excelled in the fields of medicine and the occult, although it is now believed he held no degrees in either one. His main work, the "Opus Paramirum" was the definite work on magic and medicinal usage of herbs and drugs. He passed on in 1541.Johannes KeplerKepler (1571-1630) was a wizard of great respect among the astronomical and astrological community. It is to Kepler that we owe the 3 great laws of astronomical motion, whch Isaac Newton later incorporated into mathematical expression of the law of universal gravitation (much accepted until Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity). Much of Kepler's work was devoted to determining the musical harmonics produced by each planet in its journey around the Sun (Kepler was one of the first to use the new heliocentric theories), and, according to Kepler, the Earth's tone was that of "Mi-Fa-Mi," which Kepler took to represent the "Misery, Famine, Misery" of our planet. (Kepler was not known for his optimism). He also accurately postulated that the tides were caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, even over Galileo's derision of this theory.Nicholas Copernicus Copernicus (1473-1543) was a surprisingly long-lived wizard who dared to stand up to the church's edict that the Earth was the center of the solar system and, therefore, the universe. Copernicus postulated a system in which the sun was at the center of the solar system, and all the planets revolved around it instead of around the Earth. This viewpoint had Galileo thrown into prison by the church; yet, the proofs offered by Copernicus, including the resolution of the seemingly insolvable problem of retrograde planetary motion, helped to sway the powers and Copernicus' theory eventually became "fact" in the eyes of the church and state, although it took many years for this to be fully accepted by all of academia. In addition, Copernicus was an inventor and experimenter in timepieces and pendulum science. Galileo GalileiBorn into a rich Italian family near Pisa, Italy, Galileo was one of the most influential and controversial wizards of his time (1564-1642). A musician and mathematician by trade, Galileo accepted fully Copernicus' heliocentric theory, but because of flawed logic on his part, he was imprisoned by the papal powers because of his continuing to teach this system as "fact." His most famous experiment involved dropping two balls of differing masses from the top of the Tower of Pisa, proving that the speed of falling bodies was independent of their masses (both balls reached the ground at the same time). Among other things, Galileo was responsible for the discovery of the phases of Venus (later used to prove heliocentric theory), the Jovian moons (4 of them, at least), sea navigation using the stars, and the advancement of pendulum science.